Welcome to Life Coach Radio.
My name is Jeff Wasserman and I am a professional Life Coach. You may have found the Life Coach Radio site surfing the web or seen the new Life Coach Bus. Either way, I am glad your here.
Today's media selection is endless, webcast, podcast, itunes, terrestrial radio, satellite radio, internet radio and the list goes on and on. My life dream was to be a business owner by day and talk radio host at night.
I have been involved in the Life Coach profession since the late Thomas Leonard transformed a skill set or modality into a field of professional practice. He is credited for creating the Life Coaching profession.
I hosted a call in talk radio show for several years on WGUN 1010 AM in Atlanta many years ago. Since that time, I see a need for a national marketing plan for Life Coaches. I have watched as many of the large coaching organizations and communities steered the profession in different directions.
I want to get out and meet the people, talk to the people, coach the people. I want to share my life experiences with the people. I am traveling across the country in the Life Coach Bus, offering my live events to schools, colleges,
I know you can listen to many different talk shows on the radio, internet and even satellite. Most shows deal with one topic or another. my new show, Life Coach Radio Show, just like Life Coaching, deals with you, and everything about you. I will talk about about your life, dreams, relationships, love, happiness, health, fitness, careers, family, investing, opening and operating a small business and of course YOU. I will discuss most everything that makes you so unique and special in this world.
I leave the political and religious discussions for the other talk show hosts. If you are looking to explore your authentic self, to find out more about you, need help making a tough decision or a new direction when dealing with a major life altering challenge, please call my show or stop and visit us on location with the new Life Coach Bus.
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